Saloni, in a few words
Saloni, a Turkish Furniture manufacturer was established in 2000 by the founders who have sense of reputation at personal and corporate level. Since the beginning, Saloni devotes substantial amount of time to researches and product development activities to make long lasting quality, the functionality and novelty on the products.
We aim to be the biggest among modern furniture manufacturers in Turkey.
Saloni makes many varieties from couches to chairs, bedrooms rooms to dining rooms, coffee tables to complimentary accessories and home décor items. Saloni creates new life-style concepts by setting new trends. This is an ongoing process well strengthened with highly dedicated team of employees as each of them is considered a family member.
Saloni products are being sold mainly at exclusive Saloni Branded Stores all around world. There are 230 stores successfully operating as of now. This number increases constantly every year with new participations from different parts of the world.
They all operate on common base of principles and motivations which makes the unique. Ultimate goal is the same: “customer satisfaction for the first time and every time “

Meet Our Designers
We design to create more livable homes with the principle of “peaceful, happy homes” … Our designers work to make Saloni products practical, high-quality and durable by adding functional mechanisms to the status, comfort, joy and modernism these products will bring to homes. Saloni is content with the joy brought by tens of thousands of sofa sets it has produced with more than 250 employees for 16 years. We are peaceful with what we do.

Healthy Storage, Secure Logistics
We provide our valuable customers with 10.000 sqm Warehouse, Logistics center in order to plan, implement, move, store and control all kinds of products, service and information flow in the supply chain from the starting point to the last point consumed efficiently and efficiently.
Our first store in the Unites States!
Now open in Paramus, NJ

We are here as Saloni Furniture to provide our customers with better, unique, functional, durable, practical aesthetic, and easy-to-mount products and high quality services
Honest and Reliable Peaceful Innovative Productive Teamwork to Supplement the Others Product and Service Quality Delivery on Time Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Suggestions Growth by Development Success by Making a Difference